8362 RefSeq gene models from NCBI RefSeq using the GFF3 files available from the NCBI FTP site. RefSeq GFF3 annotation import 1 {'colour_key' => '[logic_name]','zmenu' => 'RefSeq','label_key' => '[biotype] [display_label]'}
8363 Human RefSeq gene models from NCBI RefSeq were imported into Ensembl in February 2014 for the use in a CCDS comparison between NCBI and Ensembl. RefSeq human import 1 {'colour_key' => '[logic_name]','zmenu' => 'RefSeq','label_key' => '[biotype] [display_label]'}
8364 ESTs are mapped on the genome using Exonerate. Genes (including isoforms) are inferred using the Cluster-Merge algorithm. EST-based 1 {'colour_key' => '[logic_name]','label_key' => '[biotype] [display_label]','label' => '[text_label] [display_label]'}
8365 Homo sapiens 'Expressed Sequence Tags' (ESTs) from dbEST are aligned to the genome using Exonerate. Human ESTs 1 {'type' => 'est'}
8366 Protein coding sequences agreed upon by the Consensus Coding Sequence project, or CCDS. CCDS set 1 {'colour_key' => '[logic_name]','zmenu' => 'CCDS','label_key' => '[display_label]','default' => {'contigviewbottom' => 'transcript_label'}}