This folder contains the utilities to attach a target process to the pydev debugger. The main module to be called for the attach is: it should be called as; python --port 5678 --pid 1234 Note that the client is responsible for having a remote debugger alive in the given port for the attach to work. The binaries are now compiled at: - (after generation the binaries are copied to this repo) To copy: cd /D X:\PyDev.Debugger "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" e C:\Users\fabio\Downloads\ -oX:\PyDev.Debugger\pydevd_attach_to_process * -r -y "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" e C:\Users\fabio\Downloads\ -oX:\PyDev.Debugger\pydevd_attach_to_process * -r -y "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" e C:\Users\fabio\Downloads\ -oX:\PyDev.Debugger\pydevd_attach_to_process * -r -y git add *.exe git add *.dll git add *.dylib git add *.so